

Censorship in this country is getting out of control. Clear Channel Communications just suspended Howard Stern's radio show (news article). I don't understand these people. Their priorities are completely backwards. For example, they don't think twice about depictions of violence, but the minute someone says something about sex, it is a huge scandal. I still don't understand why the Janet Jackson thing was such a big deal. Men's nipples are shown on TV all of the time. Is there something wrong with a woman's nipple? They look exactly the same to me...

Additionally, why would a visual display of extreme violence (The Passion of the Christ) be considered spiritual and an auditory depiction of naked women be considered obscene?

Here are some surprising statistics for everyone to ponder: The United States of America, probably the most uptight country (about sex) in the industrialized world, has the highest teenage pregnancy rate. It's strange when you think about it. The proponents of censorship assume that if children are never exposed to sex, they will never have sex. The facts prove them wrong.

This country will never improve, never become the morally advanced nation, which so many people are hoping for, without a more rational view of sexuality. The human body is not repulsive. Closed minded leaders, who try to suppress the thoughts of the public, will drive this country into the ground.

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