

Lets talk about this whole hunt for Ben Laden thing. First of all, Al Queda is not this carefully structured and unquestioningly led group of people with flawless communication, like the media/government wants us to think. It is a bunch of sandy bastards with a common hatred for western culture. Capturing the so called "leader" will not stop the ideology or the attacks. The only thing that will stop the attacks is to find out what they are upset about (western imperialism?) and come to an understanding.

The capture of Ben Laden is more about politics than a genuine interest in what's best for the American people. The war in Iraq has done nothing but waste billions of dollars, alienate our allies, and kill a bunch of people.

On an unrelated note... I saw The Passion of Christ last night and it was pretty good; but I felt like Mel Gibson was telling a story to a group of people who had heard it a thousand times before, and I walked into the room halfway through without ever hearing the story. Maybe I would have liked it better if I had read the new testament more closely.

And it was not anti-semitic.

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