Today at work we were dubbing the latest Bush for president ads. One was the typical "George Bush is a strong leader" and the other was an attack ad against Kerry. Just before we started the dubs, we got a call from the campaign headquarters saying that the first ad must be changed. The problem was that it showed an Army tank. The person calling said that she would be fired if the tank was not removed. I didn't understand why it was such a big deal; the ad also showed fighter jets and soldiers. Oh well. We got rid of the stupid tank.
By the way... people at the Bush headquarters are insane, and not just because of who they are working for. They are constantly calling and freaking out about something. Whether it be the content of the commercials they sent us, or the fact that their tapes say urine under the label (I'll tell that story another time).
Speaking of George Bush... Lets talk about this big controversy about him using 9-11 imagery in his ads. I think it's disrespectful, despite the fact that he has based his entire presidency on this one event. Sure, 9-11 was an important day in our history, but come on, get over it already.
It strange how no one mentions the fact that the majority of the hijackers were from Saudi Arabia, but we decided to attack Iraq. Why not Saudi Arabia? Oh yeah, because Bush is friends with the Saudis and we get most of our oil from them. Sure, Saddam Hussein was bad, and maybe he was financing terrorists, but I bet the terrorist got the majority of their money elsewhere.
That leads me to my next concern. Why does the government think that guns and bombs are going to solve our problem with terrorists? Ideology and personal beliefs drive people to commit these acts. Last time I checked, you can't destroy an ideology with force. If we really want to solve this issue, we must discover the root of the problem (American Imperialism perhaps?).
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